What Is UNSC And What Is The Purpose Of The United Nations Security Council

Hello friends, today we are going to learn about “What Is UNSC” after the Second World War, most of the countries felt that such a formation should be created, so that again there would be no loss of life and property. To solve this problem, the United Nations Security Council was created, whose principle is to ensure peace in the world.

The United Nations has six organs, out of which the United Nations Security Council is an important organ. Our country has also been a member of this council for a long time and is doing its service. Initially, this council was a bit weak, but after the disintegration of Russia, the strength of the UN Security Council increased and the UN Security Council played an important role in many tasks. Through this article, we are going to give you very important information about the United Nations Security Council, so read this article carefully from beginning to end.

What Is UNSC?

One of the 6 important organs of the United Nations is the United Nations Security Council, which was established during the year 1945 after the Second World War. In English it is also called UNSC. The goal of UNSC is to maintain peace and tranquility in the world. One of the functions of the UNSC is to add new members to the United Nations and carry out the work related to changes in its charter. Whenever military assistance is needed in any part of the world, UNSC also provides military assistance to other countries through resolution.

The first meeting of the UNSC was held on 17 January 1946, the subject of which was to discuss the report of the Preparatory Commission, the selection of the President of the Security Council and the appointment of the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Till date many countries have been assisted by UNSC including countries like Kuwait, Namibia, Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan and Congo etc.

What Is UNSC?

What Is The Full Form Of UNSC?

For your information, let us tell you that the full form of UNSC is “United Nations Security Council” and in Hindi it is also called “United Nations Security Council”. Some people also call it the soldier of the world.

Role of the UN Security Council

UNSC is the most powerful system of the United Nations, whose main function is to maintain peace and tranquility in the world. In addition, UNSC’s functions are to contribute to peacekeeping operations, to enforce sanctions internationally, and to carry out military operations by resolution.

According to the Charter of the United Nations, all countries are bound to follow the rules of UNSC and let us tell you that UNSC also has the right to issue resolutions on member countries, which is the only body in the world. However, the need for some changes in the Security Council is being felt since the Cold War and the UN needs to take concrete steps for this.

Permanent countries in the UNSC have the right of veto power which means ‘prohibition’. Under this right, when a permanent member does not agree to a motion, the motion can be stopped by using a veto.

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List of members of the UNSC

The UNSC consists of a total of 15 members, out of which 5 members are permanent and 10 members are non-permanent and the non-permanent countries are elected after every two years. The list of members included in UNSC is as follows:-

Permanent Member

Country Regional Group Members From
China Asia Pacific Group 1971
France Western European

And Other Goups

Russia East European Group 1991
United Kingdom Western European

And Other Groups

United States Western European

And Other Groups


Non-Permanent Member

Country Regional Group From To
Albania Eastern European Group 2022 2023
Brazil Latin American and

Caribbean Groups

2022 2023
Gabon African Group 2022 2023
Ghana African Group 2022 2023
India Asia Pacific Group 2021 2022
Ireland Western European

And Other Groups

2021 2022
Kenya African Goup 2021 2022
Mexico Latin American

And Caribbean Groups

2021 2022
Norway Western European

And Other Groups

2021 2022
United Arab Emirates Asia Pacific Group 2022 2023

Election Process For UNSC

At the beginning of the even-numbered year, the UNSC elects two members from the continent of Africa and one member each from Eastern Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, Latin America and the Caribbean. Talking about the odd number, at the beginning of this year, two members from Western Europe and other regions, while one member country from the Shia-Pacific region, the continent of Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean region is chosen.

If a country becomes a candidate unanimously and has full support from its group, then that member country is still required to obtain two-thirds of the votes of those present in the current session, which is currently a minimum of 129 if It is attended by 193 member countries. When India became a candidate for membership of the UNSC in 2021, it got support with 184 votes out of 192. Although India has become a member of UNSC several times in the past. India has been a member of the UNSC in the years 1950-51, 1967-68, 1972-73, 1977-78, 1984-85, 1991-92 and 2011-12.

Challenges For UNSC

Even though the UN Security Council is playing an important role to ensure peace in the world, but due to some internal shortcomings of the UN Security Council, the UNSC is facing some challenges. These problems should be solved as soon as possible.

  • Currently, the permanent members of the UNSC are not ready to give up their veto power and are not in favor of giving this power to any other member.
  • India has to face tough competition on many parameters with the member countries included in the G-4 group, for example, India’s position in the New Development Index, Gender Gap Index etc. is worse than countries like Japan and Germany. Is.
  • There is a need to make some changes in the charter for the membership of India country and for this, along with the consent of the permanent countries, the ratification of two-thirds of the member countries is also necessary.
  • While the United States is against multilateralism, Russia does not agree to any reform.
  • China, which aspires to be the sole representative in the UN Security Council, also does not agree to any changes and China does not actually want India to be a part of the UNSC.
  • Countries like India, which play an important role in the important campaigns to establish peace, are ignored.
  • More than 50 percent of UNSC’s work is related to African countries alone, but no countries in Africa and South America are part of this group.

Other Groups Claim To The Security Council

Many countries have come out as groups and put forth their own demands to correct the shortcomings of the Security Council. Some of these groups are:-

  • L-69 Group – It is a group of 42 developing countries like India, Asia, Africa and Latin America which demands immediate action on the reform front of UNSC.
  • African Group – This group includes about 54 countries. It is the second important group to demand changes in the Security Council. This group calls for giving veto power to at least two African nations and making them permanent members of the Security Council.
  • G-4 Group – This is the G-4 group made up of Brazil, Japan, Germany and India. These countries demand to make each other permanent members of the Security Council and believe that there is a need to make the Security Council more representative, equitable.

Benefits Of Getting A Permanent Membership

At present, the number of permanent member countries of the United Nations Security Council is only 5, but after becoming a permanent member in the UNSC, that country gets many powers which are more than a non-permanent member. The member country receives many benefits from these powers, some of which are as follows:-

  • Permanent membership of the Security Council gives veto power, which plays an important role in any important decision.
  • Permanent membership is essential to have a more firm say in global geopolitics.
  • Permanent membership proves to be very beneficial for solutions against security threats and terrorism.
  • Implementation of an international decision and imposing sanctions requires the support of the Security Council, which increases the chances of the UNSC being a permanent member.

From this we can get an idea that if a country gets permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council, then how much benefit can be made to that member country. But the current permanent members are not ready to give up their membership, which emerges as a shortcoming of the UNSC.

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