LIC Jeevan Arogya Insurance Plan Details In English

Everyone knows about LIC because it is a very trusted insurance company and it offers many insurance plans like LIC Jeevan Arogya and provides the most life insurance plans. LIC provides all types of financial security for life and health. And the best part of this company is that it provides good financial security in a small amount. And this company is a very old company and is providing insurance services to people for a long time and from time to time it keeps on providing new offers to the customers, only then Life Insurance Corporation of India has a big name in the life insurance business.

LIC Jeevan Arogya Insurance Plan

Now this company has launched its new health insurance plan named “Jeevan Arogya” and LIC Jeevan Arogya Plan is a non-linked insurance plan. You can earn good profit by investing your money in LIC Jeevan Arogya Plan, this is the best insurance plan for you, through which you get good returns and your investment is also absolutely safe and you get good financial security in a little investment and This health insurance plan is a very good plan with individual insurance profits.

LIC Jeevan Arogya

And if you take your health ‘Jeevan Arogya’ insurance plan and you have any health problem, then the company provides full help, no matter how much the cost is. And today everyone needs such a plan because if there is only one earning member in the house and something happens to him then he may have to face many problems. That’s why you should take health insurance and we say that you should have insurance for your entire family.

LIC Jeevan Arogya Insurance Plan Overviews.

LIC’s ‘Jeevan Arogya’ insurance plan is the best insurance plan in which with a little investment you can get good financial security in your life and you should be 18 years old to take this insurance plan or else you can not take this plan because Within this, the minimum entry age is 18 and the maximum entry age is 65 years, so you should note that if you want to take this insurance plan, then you should take your age as soon as you are 18 years old so that you can take full advantage of it.

In LIC Jeevan Arogya plan, you can select the number of your expenses as if you have daily hospital charges up to 1000, 2000, 3000, and 4000, you can select any of these coverage types because in this plan 4 variants are available, you can select any type according to you but its condition should be fulfilled only then you will get full payment.

LIC Jeevan Arogya Plan | Features

There are many features of LIC’s ‘Jeevan Arogya’ insurance plan, from which the customer gets many benefits. And the customer takes this plan after seeing these features:-

  • There is a double benefit under LIC’s ‘Jeevan Arogya’ health insurance plan like the patient has to be admitted in ICU due to medical complications and get 2 times HCB claim under this plan
  • Under this plan, under a single policy, you can give health coverage to your entire family like your Parents and Parents-in-law, children.
  • Within this, the customer gets the Quick Cash Facility i.e. you get the claim payment very quickly but in special surgeries, MSB can be claimed for under 50% amount at the time of hospital and hospital beds can take full payment.
  • If you have any case of hospitalization or surgery after taking LIC Jeevan Arogya Plan, then this plan will give you financial protection which means that it will also contribute towards the cost of hospitalization.
  • In LIC Jeevan Arogya Plan, you can also select various flexible benefits like; 1000, 2000, 3000, and 4000
  • In the LIC Jeevan Arogya plan, you will be given a health cover plan every one year.

Jeevan Arogya Plan | Limits

LIC’s ‘Jeevan Arogya’ health insurance plan also has some limitations, so while taking this plan, its features along with its limitations should also be seen:-

  • Annual and lifetime limit has been set under LIC Jeevan Arogya plan i.e. first year cannot claim more than 30 days and limit for ICU is 15 days and the second year cannot claim more than 90 days and ICU The limit for this is 45 days and the maximum limit for life time is 720 days.
  • For any major surgery, claim can be taken once in a year and 8 times in life time.
  • In the day care procedure, you can claim maximum 3 times in a year and 24 times in life time.
  • The total sum assured for the Accidental Rider under all individual and group policies is Rs. Should not be more than 50 lakhs
  • The maximum Sum Assured in this policy is Rs 4 lakh.

Why LIC Jeevan Arogya Plan Is Necessary?

If you are wondering whether you have to take this plan or not, then you should take this plan because with a little investment inside this plan you are getting coverage for life. Here I tell you some points so that it will be clear that After all, why should we take LIC Jeevan Arogya Plan?

  • The good thing about the LIC Jeevan Arogya Plan is that no claim bonus of any kind is available in the LIC Jeevan Arogya plan.
  • In this plan, you can give health coverage to your entire family within a single policy. Just like you are your Parents and Parents-in-law you and your children.
  • LIC Jeevan Arogya plan also covers you for all types of surgeries you can claim for any major surgery once in a year and 8 times in a lifetime.
  • Income text is also beneficial in the LIC Jeevan Arogya plan. If you take a health insurance premiums plan then at least you will get profit from 15000 to 20000.
  • LIC Jeevan Arogya’s plan can be purchased and renewed. You do not have to go to the office again and again.

Jeevan Arogya Plan | Complications

LIC Jeevan Arogya plan has features and limitations along with benefits, along with some complications inside this plan like:

  • Coverage in LIC Jeevan Arogya plan If both are mother and father, then both will get it otherwise one does not get it.
  • If more than one major surgery has to be done at a time, then you can claim for only one surgery.
  • Under this plan, no benefit is given for 24 hours after admission in the hospital i.e. if admitted for 5 days, then the claim is only 3 days.

Documents Required To Take Claim In Jeevan Arogya Plan.

If someone takes a policy, then the company asks for many documents because it wants to see the proof, only after verifying them, a company provides the policy. So in the same way, some important documents are asked within this plan too, so today we tell you which documents are required if you want to take this plan.

  • Must have a copy of your photo and any of your ID proofs
  • To claim a claim under LIC Jeevan Arogya Plan, you must have a claim form.
  • You must have a photocopy of the Discharge summary
  • You should also have a photocopy of the hospital bill.
  • The most important package treatment should be detailed along with the package bills.
  • A copy of all investigations should be accompanied by a bill for all medicines.
  • If you have an accidental case then you should also have a medical-legal certification. The company verifies it.

If you want to take health insurance for you or your family, then you can take this plan, in this you get good coverage in a little investment and you should get health insurance because it gives financial security to your family.

Also Read: LIC Komal Jeevan Plan Details

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