How To Port Mobile Number | Free And Easy Process To Apply

How To Port Mobile Number | Free And Easy Process To Apply. Mobile number portability has now expanded its scope. Till now there was mobile portability from one network to another network only within the state, but now you can get your number ported from any corner of the country.

How To Port Mobile Number | Free And Easy Process To Apply.

Now you can use the same number for a lifetime. This facility is very important for those people who keep wandering from one city to another due to job and are troubled by changing the number all the time because nowadays mobile number is not only for talking but in the bank, in LPG gas or Many places are added and due to frequent change of mobile number, everyone has to face a lot of trouble.

How To Port Mobile Number

Let’s Know How To Port Mobile Number.

  • For this, you have to fill an application form. With which a copy of your photo and address proof has to be attached.
  • In this application form, a UPC-Unique Port Code code has to be filled, to obtain which you can do the following process yourself.
  1. In your SMS Write, type PORT and after that enter your 10 digits mobile number and send it to 1900.
  2. Soon after this, UPC-Unique Port Code will come on your mobile which will be of 8 digits.
  3. In this way, fill this UPC in the MNP form.
  • After this process, the process of porting your mobile number will be accepted after receiving the complete information of your number ie there are no outstanding bills.
  • After confirming this, you will be given a SIM.
  • Which you can start after about 24 hours by putting it in your mobile.
  • How long will it take for MNP, it will be told to you through SMS? After which you can change the SIM.
  • In this process, there is a provision to deduct Rs 19 from your account.

Benefits Of Mobile Portability.

  • Earlier, we could port mobiles from one company to another in the same circle, meaning the number of UP could be changed in the same area.
  • Postpaid can also be ported to prepaid.
  • The number can also be changed from CDMA to GSM.
  • Due to MNP, the consumer will not have to change his number on changing the city. They can use only one number for life.

Other Important Things Regarding Mobile Portability.

  • Once the UPC-Unique Port Code is received, it is canceled if it is not used in time.
  • If the consumer has old pending bills and the number has been ported. Then the consumer will be given 3 months to pay the bill. Otherwise, there is a provision to close the number.
  • After porting the number of any company, it is mandatory for you to be associated with the same company for at least 3 months.
  • When the mobile portability process is done by the company then the number is closed for about 2 hours.
  • After porting, the name of the new company does not come for some time like if you want to recharge online, then your network and circle comes as soon as you enter the number, but due to mobile number portability, many times we have to fill this category ourselves because He shows the name of the previous company and the network only.

This facility given by mobile companies is a good gift. The idea, Airtel, BSNL, etc. has joined this facility from July 3. All other companies will also join this facility for some time.

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